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Welcome to my site! My name is Andrea Thompson, and I’m a writer, editor, and film critic who is a member of the Chicago Indie Critics and also the founder and director of the Film Girl Film Festival, which you can find more info about at! I have no intention of becoming any less obsessed with cinema, comics, or nerdom in general.

Jon Stewart’s “Irresistible” is toothless, out-of-touch political satire

Jon Stewart’s “Irresistible” is toothless, out-of-touch political satire

By Andrea Thompson

When someone outs themselves as a dinosaur, it can be fun to watch. But when that someone was once a person who, despite their flaws, became the one we turned to for razor sharp satire, it’s depressing. Then again, when they make a movie as insulting and just outright terrible as Irresistible, it’s enraging.


52 Films By Women: Appropriate Behavior (2014)

52 Films By Women: Appropriate Behavior (2014)

52 Films By Women: To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)

52 Films By Women: To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)